Friday 20 May 2011

A really long introductory edition of Friday - recommendations

STUFF I AM LOVING - bumper first edition selection

This week I've been listening to Smother by Wild Beasts a lot. It's really quite something, loving the album - I'd watch the superb video for Albatross too, if I were you.  Directed by the ever-superb Dave Ma.  Also Lady Gaga's Born This Way has been streaming on the Metro's site and that's proper good too, don't worry about the three listens only thing, it's a load of bollocks and I'm listening for about the twelfth time right now.

Stuff that makes you think:
- This website is properly brilliant - particularly
- I like beer. That's no secret, and neither is my vegetarianism.  Loads of beers have isoglass in them, so this is an invaluable site (although I cannot vouch for ability to remember which beers are veggie when already pissed, so I'm pretty defeatist-casual about veggie beers)
- The fact Alex will do anything for me if I buy her
- This perfect blog about The Arsenal
- Adam Curtis is such a dude, makes some excellent stuff - all of which is available free online

Funny things:
- Some of these are really good
- Hilarious.  I'd appreciate a gift.  No-one?
- The wiggles putting in a £17,000 bid for Princess Beatrice's Royal Wedding hat/fascinator/mentalist alien thingy
- Hilarious for a solid 1 min 37 secs

Glorious photos:

Assorted other links:
- This classic
- This. Is. Brilliant.
- Always quite cool
- Fantastic concept

Other stuff I'm loving this week:
- Having already done a ton of walking and drafting next week's blog in advance owing to a lapse of judgement yesterday.  I've done loads for someone who started on Tuesday, proper chuffed (:
- The weather today being nice again and allowing me to dress like the tool I am
- Winning this babe
- Top mark of my year in history coursework
- chai tea and sexual ethics
- chai tea and this cartoon and these biscuits
- Blithe Spirit which was good
- Hilarious pamphletting
- And last but most certainly not least the fact I've actually got some followers! Thank you all, you're very kind to put up with me whilst I'm kinda figuring this out and massive thanks to Vivatramp for the plug!


That's it this evening, I'm off to rush to Alice's and then Alec's to drop stuff off//watch Stevenage hopefully get into the League Two play-off finals.  Last majorly busy day before re-attempting hardcore revision, really, so that'll be, err, fun.  Enjoy your weekend, I'll probably be back procrastinating during it but no guarantees until Monday - see you then (:

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